«Wherever there is Sangha there the Dharma will flourish.»
Bouddha Shakyamouni
For the Buddha-Dharma to flourish it is crucial to have monasteries, as they offer the best possible conditions for practice to those who have chosen a monastic way of life. The development of the monastery depends largely on the support of donors and volunteers.
The monastery building having been renovated in order to provide a basic residential area, gompa and library, we intend to enter the next phase of renovation so that we can welcome more nuns. This includes a new kitchen and several rooms, including a workshop.
We are fortunate that the monastery buildings are in the middle of 6 acres of countryside. This is a haven of nature conducive to recharging, meditation, and above all offering an ideal, peaceful haven for nuns to study, to practice, to offer service, and to work for the benefit of others. However, this spacious area requires quite a bit of maintenance.
Both for the building plans and the environmental plan, support is very welcome.
General financial support
Through recurrent donations or whenever you choose. If you live in France, 66% of your donation is tax deductible.*
Spread the word about us
Share information about Dorje Pamo Monastery on social networks.
Specific financial support
Regularly we need specific items. If you want to contribute to one of these, please go to our wish list.
*A one-time donation allows you to specify the amount of your choice. You can renew it according to your wishes and financial abilities. After tax deduction (in France), your 100€ donation actually costed you 34€. We deliver tax receipts to the individuals who contribute to the monastery’s funding.